
Are you in the middle of parenting custody disputes and don’t have any court orders providing your children time with you over this Christmas break?

Hi, my name is Sally Elphick and I’m a family and criminal lawyer here at Turnbull hill lawyers.

This is a quick and friendly reminder that if you are going to be seeking orders from the court for your children to spend time with you over this term for school holiday period then your non urgent application must be filed with the court by no later than 4:00 PM on 8 November 2024.

You should also consider making this application if no agreement can be made between you and your former partner regarding your child attending school next year.

This is the time sensitive matter that should be addressed as soon as possible.

If you need help securing time with your children this holiday season, please don’t hesitate to contact our dedicated family law team at Turnbull Hill Lawyers.

We specialise in handling such applications and eager to assist you in getting the time that your children are entitled to spend with you.

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