Personal Property Securities Act 2009

Personal Property Securities

Personal Properties Securities Legislation NSW Personal Property Securities Act 2009 Overview The registration provisions of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (the Act) came into force on 30 January...

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Defamation Lawyers NSW

Defamation Law

Defamation Lawyers NSW What is defamation? Defamation occurs when someone communicates or otherwise publishes material which is harmful to the reputation of another person (or entity). It doesn’t matter...

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Debt Recovery

Debt Recovery

Debt Recovery Lawyers NSW In this precarious global economy, insolvency rates are rising and the risk of customers becoming debtors is all too common. To minimise this risk, you...

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Commercial Litigation Lawyers NSW

Commercial Litigation

Commercial Litigation Lawyers NSW Commercial litigation is the process of taking a commercial claim through Court. Commercial litigation generally involves two or more companies, or business people, that are...

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Bankruptcy Insolvency Restructuring Lawyers NSW

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Business Restructuring Lawyers NSW We represent business owners, creditors, debtors, institutional lenders (including lenders in trustee and receivership appointments, business restructuring, and judicial and non-judicial foreclosures),...

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Business Structures Structure NSW

Business Structures

Business Structure Lawyers NSW As a consequence of ongoing tax and other law reforms, many business structures utilised in days gone by have become ineffective or inappropriate. Choosing the...

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Business Contracts Lawyers NSW

Business Contracts

Business Contract Lawyers NSW Do you need a business contract prepared or legal advice on an existing business contract? Our Business & Commercial lawyers provide professional and practical advice on...

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Buying a Business Selling a Business NSW Lawyers

Business Buying or Selling

Buying a Business / Selling a Business Lawyers NSW Our Business & Commercial Team handles sales, purchases and mergers of Businesses. Whether your business, or the business you are buying or...

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Building and Construction Lawyers NSW

Building and Construction Law

Building and Construction Lawyers NSW From your building or construction project’s conception, whatever its size or value, your choices and binding commitments will determine its outcome. It is an...

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